After decades engaging theory and praxis, after a half dozen books on the specific topic, after suggesting the core text on the topic to you, I now need to watch some fuckhead’s video to explain the basics?
I’m not convinced. Not even a little bit.
After decades engaging theory and praxis, after a half dozen books on the specific topic, after suggesting the core text on the topic to you, I now need to watch some fuckhead’s video to explain the basics?
I’m not convinced. Not even a little bit.
You’re the moderator’s alt. Objectively the algorithm says the writing styles are a very good match. Subjectively you’re engaging the same tactic of introducing a red herring.
I see through you like glass. As soon as you realize that you’ll ban me. But, you’ll have no satisfaction because, right now, in this thing, I know you better than yourself.
I’ve many ideas. But, it’s a red herring that I’ll not facilitate.
The topic we’re engaging on is that a moderator should be able to explain who organized the event they’re supporting and why steaming video does not violate basic operational security.
I’ll add that moderators that double down on logical fallacy probably shouldn’t be moderators.
Looking forward to your explanation of which leftist organization organized this event and how streaming video facilitates operational security.
Operational Security as taught by every leftist group since at least the mid-1800s.
Manufacturing Consent by Herman and Chomsky.
Replace your video with Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton.
What kind of person would throw nonsense at a user named ReadMoreBooks and expect anything but having circles run around them?
There’s a big difference between righteously risking action and stupidity.
Every action has a level of risk. Doing nothing is not acceptable.
I see you.
Given all the evidence, it would be extremely unwise to attend this event.
The fact that you felt the need to speak as a moderator instead of defeating my claims with the facts and reason you should’ve had before you supported it should serve as a red flag to for yourself and others.
Do NOT attend this event.
No one can identify the organizers. It’s being held without the involvement of any group of organized leftists.
The guidance posted in this thread recommends streaming of video evidence and propagation of that video. This is a blatant violation of operational security.
Revolutionary events are never shared with major media outlets. Major media outlets would not propagate them.
Do NOT attend this event. You WILL be identified by your oppressors. It WILL become a threat to your security. We CANNOT save you from the consequences.
Do NOT attend this event.
Your best defense of this event is a red herring, to suggest I find my way out and to engage your alt.
That’s not good. Not good at all.