So this is really kind of tangential, I am just messing around with the data and trying to at least nail down some basics so I can do sanity checks in my actual code. I am running into an odd discrepancy when trying to determine the number of times “XMAS” occurs in the input. I am only concerned with the straight forward matches, the instances of the substring “XMAS” appearing in the raw data.
When i do “grep -c XMAS input” or “rg -c XMAS input” they both show 107. But when I use and search for the pattern XMAS, it shows 191 matches. Please help, I am truly at a loss here. While writing this, it occurred to me to just try using string.count(“XMAS”) in python on the data as a raw string, and it also returns 191. So really this question is more about grep and rp than anything. why are they only returning 107?