Day 4: Ceres Search
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I’m a day behind on this one due to a lot of work with my job and school.
use std::iter::zip; use crate::utils::read_lines; pub fn solution1() { let puzzle = read_puzzle(); let horizontal_sum = puzzle .iter() .map(|line| { .filter(|window| { matches!(window, [b'X', b'M', b'A', b'S'] | [b'S', b'A', b'M', b'X']) }) .count() as u32 }) .sum::<u32>(); let vertical_and_diagonal_sum = puzzle .windows(4) .map(|window| { count_xmas(window, (0, 0, 0, 0)) + count_xmas(window, (0, 1, 2, 3)) + count_xmas(window, (3, 2, 1, 0)) }) .sum::<u32>(); println!( "XMAS count = {}", horizontal_sum + vertical_and_diagonal_sum ); } pub fn solution2() { let puzzle = read_puzzle(); let sum = puzzle .windows(3) .map(|window| { zip( window[0].windows(3), zip(window[1].windows(3), window[2].windows(3)), ) .map(|(a, (b, c))| (a, b, c)) .filter(|tuple| { matches!( tuple, ([b'M', _, b'M'], [_, b'A', _], [b'S', _, b'S']) | ([b'S', _, b'M'], [_, b'A', _], [b'S', _, b'M']) | ([b'M', _, b'S'], [_, b'A', _], [b'M', _, b'S']) | ([b'S', _, b'S'], [_, b'A', _], [b'M', _, b'M']) ) }) .count() as u32 }) .sum::<u32>(); println!("X-MAS count = {sum}"); } fn count_xmas( window: &[Vec<u8>], (skip0, skip1, skip2, skip3): (usize, usize, usize, usize), ) -> u32 { zip( window[0].iter().skip(skip0), zip( window[1].iter().skip(skip1), zip(window[2].iter().skip(skip2), window[3].iter().skip(skip3)), ), ) .map(|(a, (b, (c, d)))| (a, b, c, d)) .filter(|tup| matches!(tup, (b'X', b'M', b'A', b'S') | (b'S', b'A', b'M', b'X'))) .count() as u32 } fn read_puzzle() -> Vec<Vec<u8>> { read_lines("src/day4/input.txt") .map(|line| line.into_bytes()) .collect() }
The standard library
method and pattern matching have been carrying me this year so far.