• PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
      16 days ago

      📎 Hi! It looks like you’re making a bad-faith effort to throw shade at a prominent leftist platform, aiming to divide the left into innumerable internal squabbles about purity tests and innuendos, right when their very existence is being threatened and it’s pretty critical for them to hang the fuck together. Would you like to bring up something about Elizabeth Warren and Blackrock? Or say that Bernie Sanders is a big piece of shit for some reason, because he’s not left enough? Those are often popular collateral talking points in my experience.


      • Substack is a leftist platform? Since when?

        There’s more. Many more. And a list of literal (as in swastika-flaunting) Nazis being hosted on Substack would be far longer. (Oh, and you might want to have a look at the dates on those articles. This is not new information.)

        What do you call a bar, again, that lets Nazis openly associate? And what do you call the other patrons also in it?

        Maybe the non-Nazis should read this: https://ghost.org/docs/migration/substack/

        • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
          16 days ago

          Okay so I thought to myself, am I really gonna have to have this drawn-out conversation for why it is apparently “bad” for me to read this clearly leftist person and mount this long defense for why he should be able to write, I should be able to read, and then post some stuff none of which has any goddamned thing to do with Nazis, sort of thinking how successfully you’ve managed to deflect away from the fairly important things that are being said in this actual article (seriously: read it) and into some extensive bullshit.

          Because I don’t want to seem callous or like I’m not open to talking about stuff. Who knows. Maybe I’ll catch Nazi from reading this article. Strange things happen sometimes.

          Right about when I was having this sort of woeful realization and deciding that maybe I would have to skim five different links and deal at some sort of length with what they were saying, was when I was reading:

          (Oh, and you might want to have a look at the dates on those articles. This is not new information.)

          And it sorta clicked for me how to deal with it all. This is true: It’s old information. Look at the dates. For what it’s worth, I agree with Substack not kicking the Nazis off originally, but after the whole internet yelled at them for most of 2023, they finally caved and at the beginning of 2024 said, alright, fine, the three Nazis who we are hosting are no longer welcome. Happy now?

          They removed the Nazis from the bar. And for some reason there are still people screaming about how the bar is full of Nazis. You know, the bar that all the leftists go to hang out in, and exchange useful leftist information within. I wonder why they are so upset about it, and urging people that whatever the fuck they do, DO NOT GO INTO THAT BAR OR LISTEN TO WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY THERE BECAUSE IT IS ALL NAZIS AND YOU WILL BE BAD IF YOU GO IN THERE.

          Can you show me one swastika-flaunting Nazi being hosted on Substack? I would welcome you having the opportunity to prove me wrong. As far as I know, there are 0.

          • They bounced three. In one of those links they cited SIXTEEN who openly used Nazi symbolism just in their avatars and whatnot.

            Substack is still a Nazi bar.

            But of course you didn’t bother to check, did you?

            You’ve (collective) got the information. And the solution to it, no less, in the last link. What you (collective) choose to do about it is on your head. But given what I’ve seen in the USA’s so-called “left” you’re going to cheerfully continue using a service that profits from Nazis.

            You do you, boo.

            • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
              16 days ago

              I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to show me any swastika-flaunting Nazi, in the present. It is weird that you keep using the present tense, and citing articles in the present tense, and just kind of not addressing the fact that things have changed since the present which you are talking about.


              Substack is still a Nazi bar.

              But of course you didn’t bother to check, did you?

              “Do your own research!”

              I really don’t like that this style of argumentation has entered the mainstream, where someone asking for an example or some kind of justification gets talked down to, like “Of course there is an example, because I say so, now it’s your job to go and find it, and not my job to show it to you.”

        • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
          16 days ago

          Oh, also, because I’ve started to as a rule started to make an effort publicize some true stuff more, and in a lasting fashion, when I feel like I’m getting some kind of bad-faith bullshit leading people in the direction away from the truth direction. As opposed to just getting in what seems like an absolutely endless argument with the other person not that interested in anything I’m saying. I’m happy to do that second thing too, up to a point, but the first seems more useful.


    • stopdropandprole@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      move on with your life, there’s way bigger battles to fight than “at some point in the past, a Nazi once stood on this patch of Earth… therefore anyone who stands on it becomes a Nazi”. this is not the hill to die on you think it is.

      which website a person casually clicks a link to doesn’t irrevocably and eternally condemn (or purify) their personal beliefs and immortal soul. it’s. just. a. website. and they took the Nazi shit down already. JFC.