Hi there, I have a quick question regarding my system and mouse lag with nvidia proprietary drivers on X11 using OBS with NVENC.
My system runs great with red dead redemption 2 for around 40 minutes until I begin to lose frames when mouse looking. I can leave the mouse and perform intensive graphical actions and it still runs perfectly without mouse input.
I assume it might be a misconfiguration on the mouse or a known bug with nvidia but am unsure of exactly where to begin looking and/or what terminology I should use to Web search the problem.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
If it’s time-based, then you have a memory issue. You’re probably getting the slowdown from the kernel OOMKilling things as fast as possible to keep the system alive.
Ok, that makes sense, thank you I’ll have a look next time I’m on my PC
Would that affect only the mouse because otherwise I still get amazing performance when I don’t use the mouse?
It would make the mouse polling slowdown noticable, but there are other background things happening if you’re having what I think you’re having. Just because your game is running doesn’t mean the rest of the system isn’t suffering.
Install MangoHUD and watch your resources while you’re playing and running OBS at the same time. Both take up a lot of memory.
Ok, thank you, I’ll have a look.
I averaged 90% GPU and 47% CPU, there was no change during and after the beginning of the mouse frame rate drop. However, I tried to restart the game and it wouldn’t run again until reboot.
The game has a known vram leak bug. I’m going to look into that as well as my compositor set-up. I think you might be right about it not being the mouse as the desktop is still very smooth.