Solved : I was still on my local network instead of my LTE network, so I was accessing the global ip through the local network, and thus the access page.
I am running OPNSense as my router for my ISP and my local network.
When I access my global ip, it lands me on the login page of my OPNSense router. Is that normal?
The only Firewall WAN Rule I added is the rule to enable my Wireguard instance (and I disabled it to test if that was the issue)
I was messing with the NAT Outbound for the Road Warrior setup as explained in the OPNSense Road Warrior tutorial, but that rule is also disabled.
I enabled OutboundDNS to override a local domain.
And I have a dynamic DNS to access my VPN with a FQDN instead of the ip directly.
But otherwise, I have the vanilla configuration. I disabled all of these rules I’ve created to make sure that they weren’t the issue, and I can still access my OPNSense from the WAN interface.
So is that a normal default behaviour? If so, how can I disable the access to the OPNSense portal from the WAN and keep it from within one of my LAN/VLAN?