GOP: “we need to stop talking about climate change because nO sCiEnTiFiC cOnSeNsUs!!!”
also GOP: “lets teach about how jesus made the universe in 7 days, 4000 years ago”
No children, the ocean has always been on fire, and always will be. Now everyone make sure they’re ostracizing Susan enough, because he is really Steven.
I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer here, but the reality is humanity isn’t up to the task of addressing climate change. We aren’t going to address this issue in time, if at all. There are too many dumb humans to make the political change possible to effectively address this issue before it’s too late, if it isn’t already.
We’re cooked. Pun entirely intended.
I agree we’re fucked. But we can’t teach the younger generations how to survive in the future wastelands if we don’t even acknowledge that humanity is ending.