Eliminate the pressure to spend money on things you don’t actually value by considering whether purchases you’re making are adding real worth to your life.
If you want to have a no-spend or low-spend 2025, remember you don’t have to embark on this journey alone.
Establish why you want to do a no-spend or low-spend goal.
“Customize the challenge to fit you and what you want to accomplish. You don’t have to go all-or-nothing,”
“Identify and eliminate spending triggers,” Woroch advised. “This could look like deleting shopping apps on your phone, unsubscribing from retail newsletters, and avoiding walking into stores where there are sure to be plenty of spending temptations.”
Remember you can treat yourself without spending, too! You don’t have to “miss out” on culture just because you aren’t buying stuff. Often you’re just buying the idea of convenient access. As an added bonus, the more control you take over your arts and entertainment, the less you have to deal with propaganda inserted into it.