Sadly what he says is true to many.
I’ve seen people who were directed to p.lemmy.world call it a dodgy virus link.
And honestly it does look dodgy, lemmy.com would be great.
Sadly what he says is true to many.
I’ve seen people who were directed to p.lemmy.world call it a dodgy virus link.
And honestly it does look dodgy, lemmy.com would be great.
And as usual, the top comment related to Lemmy is people complaining about bad UX
Let’s keep guiding them to better UX
Sadly the UX here sucks compared to for profit platforms like Bluesky, I don’t know of a good solution, but money is probably needed.
That’s bad UX, see the link in my previous comment
It doesn’t preselect, if I choose General and English I’m faced with a list of 18 servers to pick from.
Users will drop off like crazy here due to choice overload - https://lawsofux.com/choice-overload
Fair I’ll rather point to https://phtn.app/
Exactly, if it doesn’t matter then we can just pick a default for them. That’s why I like my very simple message
That’s bad UX due to Choice Overload - https://lawsofux.com/choice-overload/
That problem will go away if we get more people to join lemmy by providing good smooth UX
I’m the OP of one of the posts that blew up about UX.
This is great news, I will look into building something like join-lemmy/onboarding that could guide users, or improving join-lemmy
I use both Sync and Voyager.
Both have things I like and don’t
It doesn’t keep dumb people out, it keeps non tech savvy people out, I’ve seen extremely immature people on here
I’d pick a mature user over a tech savvy user any day. Ideally they’d be both
The UX is objectively bad, it breaks most good design principles
The majority wants better UX (look at up vote ratio of comments)
A fair amount of users want to gatekeep lemmy to only tech savvy people.
BeCaUsE fUcK dUmB NoRmIeS WhO CaNt FiGuRe It OuT, iTs JuSt LiKe EmAiL
There’s a lot of us who just want better on boarding and defaults, it’s not a lot to ask.
You don’t have to AB test all instances, we can do smaller tests.
But yea that’s complicated and takes effort, instead we should at least follow good UX design principles for the default UX
We could do AB testing and see what users prefer.
Or at least change the Default Ui to adhere to good UX design principles
That would help if they had a clue which one was near them.
Default to “nearest” one?
It’s closer to that yes, and you don’t really know whar a football team is
You could also use revanced and patch the reddit apk on android.
No adds etc.
Some people will never be happy…
I think people who like .old tend to be more tech savvy, and can figure out how to find a UI they like