Thanks for the laugh.
Interesting read, thanks!
Does OSMC have a multi in Bluetooth pairing system?
What OS is the Pi running? Libreelec? Something else?
Plus, you could pick a server that quashes free speech (looking at you .world)
(Yes. I know I’m guilty too)
It’s one thing to expose a single port that’s designed to be exposed to the Internet to allow external access to items you don’t care if the entire internet sees (Jellyfin).
Ots other thing when you expose a single port to allow access to items you absolutely do care if the entire internet sees (Immich).
Or the magnets inside; SCSI magnets are killer strong.
Really, just don’t buy SCSI at this point.
Not having a dedicated app on the LG TV is not an option.
There’s your first problem.
Shiiit, man. That honky mofo messin’ mah old lady–got to be runnin’ cold upside down his head, you know?
The same reason Regan never put back up the solar panels Carter had installed.
Seconded on Purelymail.
Not for you.
Great Scott!!