This new venture of yours keeps getting better and better
This new venture of yours keeps getting better and better
Saw the previous post, now this is getting real interesting…
True. But I have a very low dosage since I only smoked like 6 cigarettes a day.
Already did. All the new serious (and not tied to cigarettes lobbies) research I can find still says the same stuff, basically cautiously stating that vaping is still harmful in the long term but appears to be safer than smoking
Vaping long term will almost certainly not fuck you up as much as smoking.
I still smoke “analogs” occasionally because that instant nicotine hit is something else, but I stopped having them regularly a few months ago and my lungs are already feeling better.
As for the bomb thing, buy stuff that is (actually, there are fakes) UE certified and you’re good.
Prove it 🤭