Generally we use Enby or Non-binary since NB is used to mean Non-Black which is more of a POC thing.
But there’s no harm in a little self exploration. Non-binary is generally under the trans umbrella since the general meaning of trans has to do with not feeling like body and gender are aligned. Agender for instance is still not aligned with the physical sex of a person so someone who hold that they have no gender, fluid gender or multiple genders are still trans… but there are people in our communities who feel like the word trans doesn’t resonate and they identify as non-trans non-binary. Sometimes the more loose term “genderqueer” is applied to mean this type of the middle ground. There’s a flag and everything.
Btw the whole voice thing has more to do with vocal training than estrogen. Estrogen doesn’t actually change your voice. If you want to get started “Voice Feminization training” is where to start. Hairless faces are also not an estrogen thing. That is usually achieved via electrolysis or laser hair removal… It takes a while to achieve but the hair lightens by degrees.
There are also cosmetic surgeries to enhance certain features without relying on horomones to do the job for you. These things are generally stigmatized by wider society but it is an option for a more targeted transition.
Estrogen will change your metabolism and fat distribution to be more in line with phenotypic female presentation but looking beyond sex as a binary you start seeing that there are plenty of phenotypic female folk out there without big butts, belly folds or boobs. Genderqueerness is all about mix and match, doing what you want. The tech is there for everyone who wants it.
Generally we use Enby or Non-binary since NB is used to mean Non-Black which is more of a POC thing.
But there’s no harm in a little self exploration. Non-binary is generally under the trans umbrella since the general meaning of trans has to do with not feeling like body and gender are aligned. Agender for instance is still not aligned with the physical sex of a person so someone who hold that they have no gender, fluid gender or multiple genders are still trans… but there are people in our communities who feel like the word trans doesn’t resonate and they identify as non-trans non-binary. Sometimes the more loose term “genderqueer” is applied to mean this type of the middle ground. There’s a flag and everything.
Btw the whole voice thing has more to do with vocal training than estrogen. Estrogen doesn’t actually change your voice. If you want to get started “Voice Feminization training” is where to start. Hairless faces are also not an estrogen thing. That is usually achieved via electrolysis or laser hair removal… It takes a while to achieve but the hair lightens by degrees.
There are also cosmetic surgeries to enhance certain features without relying on horomones to do the job for you. These things are generally stigmatized by wider society but it is an option for a more targeted transition.
Estrogen will change your metabolism and fat distribution to be more in line with phenotypic female presentation but looking beyond sex as a binary you start seeing that there are plenty of phenotypic female folk out there without big butts, belly folds or boobs. Genderqueerness is all about mix and match, doing what you want. The tech is there for everyone who wants it.