On c🤮bertrucks
On c🤮bertrucks
Yisss this is the power of E. Only downside for me was/is that because of the missing obvious disphoria I sometimes feel like an impostor. But I am dealing with it :]
I was in your shoes about 9 months ago. Just celebrated six months on hrt. And boy howdie did “comfortable in my body” turn to “holy shit how did I live like that before???”
If your friend is on Estradiol Valerat they should go for an injection ever 5 days as the depot effect for that ester isn’t that long. If they are on Estradiol Valerat seven days should be fine, but maybe the dosage is a bit low. Are they getting regular blood tests for E2 levels?
Ahh I remember that one. Made me cry with how affirming it is when I used it the first time <3
Sorry, typo, I meant “thighs” not “things”!
As a transfemme dom polyam slut this thread is making me feel things lmao
Thanks for the write-up. Guess I’ll have to try this for my chest 😬 Any alternatives to the Muslin Cloth? I’m in germany and have never heard of that :D
Do you know Margaret Killjoy? She is a brilliant author, podcaster, musician… probably even more things I don’t know about yet. I can highly recommend her book “The sapling cage”.
You might also enjoy perusing her blog: https://substack.com/@margaretkilljoy
Do you mind sharing how old you are?
I am three months in and seeing some progress but still feeling a bit hopeless. I know three months isn’t that long but still.
Shame they gave the dog away in the breakup :(
Pfff clearly you haven’t reached the required level of being trans yet!
One of my biggest sources of dysphoria 🥲
Need to laser blast those assholes
Tillys Trans Tuesdays is delightful!