No need! Take it to F-Droid!
No need! Take it to F-Droid!
'Bout time (for adjustable font size)!
I don’t suppose that (after everything else recommended here) I could just watch those individual episodes you named and skip the rest, huh? Haha. Also, to be fair, the friend who recommended those shows hasn’t watched Lower Decks, I think, which does have a high Rotten Tomatoes rating. Thanks for sharing.
I’m guessing it’s talking about non-canon/retconned works, huh?
Isn’t “thought provoking“ is kinda the whole point of sci-fi?
Of good sci-fi. I heard ST:Picard missed the mark for many, for example.
TNG is a bit too slow-paced for me, but I understand that was sort of the culture at the time. Thankfully, for that we’ve got Jump Cutter, one of the best add-ons to grace browser stores.
I just go for thought-provoking. TNG S2 has been excellent for the most part (I’ve started with TNG).
Yeah, I tried Da Vinci once for about 20 seconds before returning to Kdenlive.
Seems like a https://www.toffeeshare.com/ competitor.
I’ve also gotten unexpected TOTP email calls from multiple orgs, yeah.