That’s why the billionaires want shock collars on their security squads.
That’s why the billionaires want shock collars on their security squads.
First I have to drink a verification can, and now this??!!
Pizza for some, small American flags for others!
I like the analogy that Lemmy is like an email provider. Many possible providers, one Internet. Maybe we could get more traction if Lemmy were promoted in a similar manner? Or even have email service like sdf.org?
It’s a load-bearing function.
We have no idea why it’s important, just that it is critical to everything functioning.
Ms. Fr’zaal
I like it when a bot tries to summarize articles that are so short already it doesn’t actually reduce it any further and just says saved 0% lmao
How much wrapping paper would that take?
Hashtag TheBorgDidNothingWrong
This, folks, is why global definition of variables can lead to your untimely demise.
Will one pill by itself do anything? I thought it was more of a prolonged course of treatment.
Also the collars aren’t immune to simple brute force attacks. A careful angle grinder can nullify it. Do that to the entire security team and now there’s a new warlord in town.