Sadly there is absolutely no safe way to bike from my home to my work.
Sadly there is absolutely no safe way to bike from my home to my work.
I’m not OP, but are there any particular YouTube channels you recommend for beginner makeup tutorials?
I have a Chevy Bolt with identical range and can confirm that range is halved in Winter. Still no big deal in urban areas. My 1-hour commute to the other side of the city is only 8 miles. I just charge the car every-other week for an hour. Ezpz.
Re: People giving you crap about detransitioning, I’m presently detransitioning after 12 years and still feel that my transition was the right choice and don’t regret a single thing. Looks like you got some great advice for your HRT here, so I hope you grab the bull of happiness by the horns and live your best life. And if the thing that makes you happy changes a year or a decade from now, so what? You can then just pursue that route with the same fervor. We’ve got one chance at happiness and no one gets to tell you how to do that. ❤️ You got this!
Just hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on the rebound on the med side.
I salute your dedication to the cause. (Not sarcasm)
Important note is that she was renewing her passport, and they refused to give her documents back.
As an old trans person, I’m obsessed with this blajah lore. I bought one last year on a whim and it has an honorary place on my couch.
Do you have a moment to discuss our lord and savior, FOSS?
I use an epilator on my neck just for convenience and haven’t had any issues. I’m transmasc though, so maybe there’s a difference?
Do most transguys do voice training? I never did any, my voice just naturally cracked after a while on T
I’m so curious what the trans masc version of this would be
First time homebuyers don’t need a down-payment in the US. But payments will be much higher so it’s usually out of reach regardless.
The only gift I got was my dog puking on my comforter at 5am. I’d cry tears of gratitude if someone bought me socks.
Update: My HOA president left a baggie of dog treats at my door, addressed to my dog from her dog. He loved them and is now passed out in front of the fireplace. ❤️ Merry Christmas all!
This meme is a bit cringey, but just the right amount to come full circle and be funny again. Shared it to my fellow trans friends and got a chuckle. :) Merry Christmas all.
It was $7500 when I had it in 2012 so I’m sure $10k is on the low end nowadays.
I’m channeling your energy ❤️
I know this is supposed to be a joke post, but as an older transperson I’m delightfully blown away at how the younger trans crowd doesn’t give af about gender stereotypes. When I started transitioning, there was exactly one resource online and it was “How to pass” and included things like hairstyles and mannerisms. Nowadays everyone is just free to be themselves! I’ve been working on this, myself, and it’s been quite freeing.
I know this is a shitpost, but a dating community on Lemmy has potential.