12 days ago@atomicpoet @fediverse Wait… is *that* how it works to follow a lemmy … whatever the equivalent is of a subreddit … group? anyway, you just follow @groupname@instancename? How did I not understand this before?
Former proprietor of now defunct misfittoys.social.
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Purveyor of Splendiferously Abundant Profanity, Overflowing With an Effervescent Effluence of Ennui.
Superfluous Shitposter Extraordinaire, Master of Weltschmerz, and Brutal Banisher of Brevity.
#Cannabis #Democracy #DisposablePeople #Empathy #Equality #LGBTQ+ #MentalIllness #MutualAid #Puns
CAUTION: Prolific “woke” booster/poster; currently average |48| posts per day. You have been warned.
@atomicpoet @fediverse Wait… is *that* how it works to follow a lemmy … whatever the equivalent is of a subreddit … group? anyway, you just follow @groupname@instancename? How did I not understand this before?
@atomicpoet @fediverse trippy