You die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody damns your soul for the last time.
In their repo, under “Limine’s Design Philosophy” -> “Why not support filesystem X or feature Y? (eg: LUKS, LVM)”:
The idea with Limine is to remove the responsibility of parsing filesystems and formats, aside from the bare minimum necessities (eg: FAT*, ISO9660), from the bootloader itself. It is a needless duplication of efforts to have bootloaders support all possible filesystems and formats, and it leads to massive, bloated bootloaders as a result (eg: GRUB2). What is needed is to simply make sure the bootloader is capable of reading its own files, configuration, and be able to load kernel/module files from disk. The kernel should be responsible for parsing everything else as it sees fit.
In Rust and lots of other languages you have to end each statement with a semicolon. The semi colon is usually placed right after the statement, but in this example there’s indentation after each statement before the semicolon so they’re all aligned.
There’s also the curly brackets, they’re padded in the same way, but those usually define where a scope (block) starts and ends making it even worse.