wow, really neat design for this price range
wow, really neat design for this price range
It seems like regular people can get a public IPv6 so they can self host at home. Although, technically, everything public facing needs a ICP license so hosting stuff on Port 80/443 can draw a target on the head
Otherwise rent a vps in Singapore/Korea/Japan plus a .com domain and access via cloudflare tunnel as too much traffic over SSH/VPN/rarely used ports to a fresh Ipv4 address leads it to automatic probing and ban
Automatic photo upload works good, but it’s the album creation (and sharing with other users) that severely lacks in features. 3rd party modules like memories are also better
But for official photos, last time i checked it 3 months ago, you could add photos to an album only at the moment of creation, and not add later
Nextcloud photos is in the “proof of concept” stage, not even alpha.
Every site needs a government license and it’s trivial to detect and flag incoming traffic on web ports on a residential IP address - they are going to be interested in what kind of " subversive propaganda " you’re hosting