I wish I could sleep later than 8:30. Right now, attempting that gets a mass of fuzzy tumors attached to my face with noses and paws in my eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth.
It’s the best way to wake up.
I wish I could sleep later than 8:30. Right now, attempting that gets a mass of fuzzy tumors attached to my face with noses and paws in my eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth.
It’s the best way to wake up.
It’s hard, especially when you become aware of it. You have to try to build motivation out of what feels like nothing.
You’ve probably heard this before, but does it help breaking things into smaller steps? It’s something that really worked for me when I was having the depression slump into anxiety panic-rush.
Start with something already quick and easy, and cut it into more steps. If it takes you 5 minutes, see if you can cut it into two parts. It can seem illogical, but giving yourself those little breaks can help build a mental muscle, a way of showing yourself “Hey, I can do this” without being overwhelming, and giving yourself plenty of time if you need more in-between, especially at first.
Small goals are still accomplishments, especially when it’s the best we can do, and a little victory can go a long way.
(And, of course, when/if you can, professional help can be amazing. It can suck trying to find a good doctor, but once you do, it really can change things.)
Depression can hit this way, too. You can be apathetic towards everything, no motivation, stuck in your head. It can be easy to get caught in a downward spiral, trapped in the vortex of negativity you no longer feel in control of.
Hey, it’s still being productive.
Your brain is producing serotonin. Especially when it inevitably switches over to a How Its Actually Made episode.
Be the reason rules are made.
Just not in the “factories require fire extinguishers because of your lack of safety” way.
I’m totally down for marking my body as a religious institution so long as I get the fat tax breaks.
Still involves Yukko busting through one of the walls, making you do your voice training at gunpoint, raiding your fridge, and getting you involved in an escape from the federal government.
Good genetics help.