vscode with the built-in Emmet support.
Emmet isn’t intimidating, unless you don’t know CSS, in which case it is extremely intimidating.
<a href=""></a><b></b>
<a href=""><b></b></a>
<a href=""></a><a href=""></a>
<div class="yeet"></div>
A combination:
<a href=""><b></b><i class="dollah"></i><i class="dollah"></i></a>
That’s 99% of what you need to know to get started with Emmet.
Anyway, I used to write 100% hand-written HTML, but switched to using Hugo because: Go’s built-in Templating language I knew from working with K8S, build-times are sub-second, and I can write a page in either Markdown or HTML, whichever I need (or even mix in some HTML in the Markdown!)
Because of hugo I don’t need to mess around with repeating parts (like the nav menu).
Only downsides:
- it strips the comments, which I would’ve loved to leave in for people to read
- the formatting is my favorite, so I format with
before committing
I use git submodules
to have the public/
folder be my Github Pages host repo, so I can just muck about locally, while I do a rebuild (which changes the files in the submodule). Only after a commit, I’ll effectively publish the website.
Check out the website (mostly for the HTML - the articles are… meh): https://thaumatorium.com/ (no trackers, so no Cookiewall nonsense either :D)
Nginx-Proxy-Manager. Got it.
I didn’t read the parent comment well enough and was wondering what the Node Package Manager had to do with anything 😂