Trello 100% fixed that for me. Also, as someone who NEEDS my little dopamine reward whenever I do a task I found a little trick. If you put the 🎉 (party horn emoji) in the title of a list it blows a bunch of confetti over the screen whenever you drag a task into that list 😁
I just use 6 lists and I grab and move cards along them from left to right. My lists are very simple:
Would be nice to do Need to do Doing today 🎉 Done today Completed in the last 4 weeks To be archived
I only use 2 automation rules. One rule to move new cards to the top of the list I created them in and a second rule to automatically move cards along the last 3 lists depending on how long they’ve been there.
It’s been life changing for me. I don’t get side-tracked anymore cos I can just dump whatever it is into one of the lists on my pc or my phone. It’s also really helpful that I can put a “Due by:” date that gradually changes from yellow to red as the deadline approaches.