I get a very 90s vibe from it. It’s nice!
Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.
I get a very 90s vibe from it. It’s nice!
There is also gel, which I found worked fine even for monotherapy. The downside is you have to apply a lot, which is a pain.
Injections give you a peak and drop-off, which more closely resembles cis natural estrogen production. I don’t know for sure if that is beneficial, but saturation is a thing.
Funny thing – I was paranoid about drawing attention, but in my experience so far very few people notice anything out of the ordinary, and even fewer care. Absolutely nobody has said “you smell like a girl”.
You can get away with a lot more than you think!
That’s just self-doubt. You have my permission to ignore it and go buy a bra. You deserve it <3
I can also recommend a tube bra for the same reason. No cups or pads makes them inconspicuous and really comfortable, but less great if you’re getting pokey or sensitive – fine for lounging around in, though.
In addition to the other comments, how about some nice-smelling body care products? Hair milk, lip balm, hand cream, deodorant etc. Floral scents make me happy!
Oh, and put on sunscreen every day.
Clothes-wise I am enjoying my long cardigan, a wearable blanket and a pair of knitted room shoes.
All I can say is I’m glad I figured myself out before playing this game. I think I’d have missed a lot otherwise. Still haven’t finished Core, but working on it…
I found a regular padded sports bra gave a pretty good look (especially since I had some chest fat from being overweight), but because I knew it was just padding I ended up feeling worse overall. YMMV.
You’re right, and thanks, although one label was a lot easier for me to accept than the other!
(This all happened several months ago, btw)
Incidentally, I started voice training a while before my egg cracked: “I’m only here to learn how to voice female NPCs better.”
Unsurprisingly, that was not the reason.
Hard to say. I’m way happier and feeling human, but not seeing much in the way of hormone-induced emotionality (doctor seems pretty open to bumping up my dosage tho).
Still got the stare :3
You’ve met me, then :3
Ouch! That reminds me of one of the episodes which led to my egg cracking…
Scene: me, out drinking with some friends who just happen to all be women (no hint there, obviously). Fairly well-oiled at this point.
Me: Since everyone else is a girl, maybe I should just become one too, ha ha!
Fren (surprised): Where did that come from? Are you transgender? That’s cool if you are, I’m bi by the way.
Me: Ha ha no, only joking, just felt like the odd one out that’s all, let’s change the subject right now…
Me (to self): fuck fuck fuck where did that come from, I mean I do want to be a girl, but cis people don’t say that kind of thing, dumbass
Get home; wake up with hangover and gender crisis.
Definitely not trans
OK, possibly a bit trans
You caught me :3
Yes. This.
I’d been aware of the existence and effects of feminizing HRT since–well, probably my mid teens? And always thought that I’d really like it, if only I was trans. Funny thing, 25 years later, turns out I’m trans (I was also starting to get some uncomfortably dark thoughts regarding my continued existence). So I never really worried about it, just realized one day “oh right, I can do this now.”
And yeah, probably a lot of it is placebo, but I feel so much better on estrogen. When I was in the process of cracking, I read a lot of comments saying the same thing and thinking “yeah, right”. But no, starting HRT has been, by far, the best part of my transition so far.
The initial (reversible) effects will definitely let you know if it’s right for you.
Three months in is when I started getting “oh shit, this is awesome”-level changes.