And of course all those dictators will use the catastrophic events to throw shit at each other, tell the others are the reason for all this and can finally start their wet dream ww3 as well as get rid of all minority “parasites” that waste our now limited resources we all fight for
Very nice
It already did, well it is not “milk” exactly, but it tastes correctly and can be used identically in the kitchen 😇
I just learned that this resolution resulted from 4:3 screens which got some wideness added to reach 16:9 from an awesome person in this comment thread 😊
Ahh, I see, they took the 4:3 Standard screen and let it grow to 16:9, that makes a lot of sense 😃
I am to young for knowing 4:3 resolutions 😆
Sure, just never saw this numbers for resolution, ever 😆
1366x768 ?? WTF
This is very smart 😃 never thought about that
You can self host anything like this, all you need is buying a domain and set something up like DynDNS which updates the entry of the domain with your new IPv4 as soon as it changes.
I would recommend to not open your services to public, but set up a wireguard (or other VPN) endpoint in your home, which you then use to access all your services.
I think, an alternative to that would be some servicees from tailscale or cloudflare, I suppose