thank you! legit made me smile hehe
kind of a loser :<
thank you! legit made me smile hehe
lol :3
i was considering a dual boot but i don’t want to go to linux juuussttt yet
it’s called “zune” but yea it’s my favourite windows xp theme so far
it’s the monitor above the laptop, i’m using the Windows XP “Zune” theme (which is orange and black btw) because it looks nice, should’ve made it more clear
also yeah it’s socket 939 they all run ddr1 :)
it’s mountain lion
vigorous googling :3
the main change was that it came out in an era of faster computers lol
GIMP is a jankfest.
photoshop hehe
it doesnt run on linux :(
thanks :3
more just trying to say i got a new laptop lol, maybe should’ve showed more of my xp setup though because at least i actually did something there