Doom Emacs and lazyvim nvim.
Don’t know about helix, and don’t really care.
Modal is incomparably more comfortable, that’s the main benefit.
The problem that I have is that learning new editing keybindings would probably take me a month of time, before I get to the same amount of productivity
Do you imagine vi-based editors don’t let you use your mouse or what? Go through vim-tutor, learn the basic shortcuts you need, and you’re back to your old productivity in a few days. You don’t need to learn vi" to select a string, you can just use your mouse.
No offense to you or your habits, but C-arrow is an idiotic movement scheme. If you have to leave the home row to move around the text, you fucked up.
Just go through vim tutor…
You’re trying to track the family tree of an incestuous sex addict who’s willing to turn into a variety of animals to get some poon. Her father might be Timmy the cabbage salesman who’s mom was banged by an electric walrus.