Mx sounds awful to me and is the result of people trying to use “x” as gender neutral. Like “Latinx” was controversial, both on its appropriateness of use and its pronunciation.
Mage is cool and I like that it has etymological justification.
Mx sounds awful to me and is the result of people trying to use “x” as gender neutral. Like “Latinx” was controversial, both on its appropriateness of use and its pronunciation.
Mage is cool and I like that it has etymological justification.
I’d vote grad as worst, but it’s certainly close.
I’ll take it. It’s easy enough to tag people when I see them unironically spewing russian propaganda or bringing up American atrocities to justify Chinese ones.
The last season or two of VOY is “guess which cast member can sing?” and it got real old real fast. Also it was usually Jeri.
At least it’s not a mason jar.
Make one with 4 90 degree sections that turns exactly twice per swipe. Anyone tailgating gets stuck in the side, and then the pitfall opens.
Just imagining someone running down a line of subs, arm extended with a flogger, just letting it slap each butt as they go. Yelling through a bullhorn that they’re all sluts. It’s about efficiency.
I mean in the original trilogy when han said it. I assume George wrote it having no idea what the fuck a parsec is.
The 12 parsecs thing is emblematic of the entire original and prequel trilogies. George Lucas just made shit up as he went.
Oh hell he does explicitly say that. I’ll go make some tea.
R is already on the board, so there are indeed five lights.
I mean in the instance of directly addressing the person. If you 1 for 1 swap it sounds weird (what do drag), but if you change “do” to “does” it sounds like you’re 3rd personing.
If you just one for one swap you run into weird grammar.
What do drag want to do?
Is that right or…?
The way it flops… I could not stop laughing the first time I used it.