Yeah… I might be down. Cyberpunk zombies sound like a nice end.
Yeah… I might be down. Cyberpunk zombies sound like a nice end.
Considering they are supposed to be past the computer age and at the deep space exploration age, it would be insane to not have tons of redundancies and work arounds, probably very poorly documented ones too. You think borg religion is about trusting old undocumented code no one knows the function of anymore?
Sisko didn’t have the privilege of being a peace time captain. He had to be at the center of a war between galaxies with everything at stake. He didn’t have a choice how agents he may have protected acted. he didn’t command, direct, or approve of their methods. He only benifited, and protected, with disgust and grief for the values he once held dear. But all he had then was the list of all those lost, and the precise knowledge that losing the war, ment total destruction to everything and everyone he cared about. It would be future generations that would judge him, no one who marched through the mud along side him would.
I Ain’t done! MORE HUMAN THAN HUWMAN! MORE HUMAN THAN HEWMAN! kick ass slide guitar power chords