AKSHUALLY, LaForge doesn’t view through the visor with his eyes, he has special implants that connect directly to his nervous system. It was these implants that allowed the Romulans to subvert him. Because Wesley does not have these implants, *nerd snort* this meme is factually incorrect and makes no sense
I rewatched the BSG 2004 version and I had a though time getting through it. The beginning is so strong, but it goes downhill fast. At first it has ups and downs and then it just turns into only downs.
One thing I noticed this go around is the actor that does Apollo might be a good actor in other stuff, I don’t know, but in BSG he really does poorly. In most scenes he’s in he only has a few lines so he spends the entire scene just lurking in the background with the biggest smirk on his face. I don’t know if they were kidding around a lot on set, but it’s really off putting to see an emotional scene and have this dude with an idiot smirk on his face in shot. His character was also written poorly, as were most, but that’s not the actors fault. There are so many scenes with him where I honestly thought: Really, this was the best take? How rushed was this? Once you notice how poorly he’s doing, it kinda ruins a lot of the show.
Sad it doesn’t hold up, after such a strong start to the series.