Unfortunately a lot of years could be considered the “wrong” year. But any year is better than a future year.
Unfortunately a lot of years could be considered the “wrong” year. But any year is better than a future year.
I sometimes assumed that was why I didn’t really consider myself a man for a while before I realized that it wasn’t. But I’ve also never felt comfortable with the label and there was a lot of other things I was also ignoring. Still, would be easier for people to explore gender if so many men were not so toxic that any decent person wouldn’t want to be associated with them and women didn’t have to deal with so much sexism that it wasn’t a natural thing to wish they could escape that.
I don’t think I’ve had any problems with lack of growth due to losing weight personally. And being thinner makes them seem more clearly like boobs and not moobs imo.
Same reason why the removal of solar panels from the white house matters: it chills future action out of fear that those who follow will just destroy it. The 8000 that already existed is nothing, but the US government is one of the largest employees.
I would guess OP has felt something similar at some point and that’s why they shared it.
Certainly something I can relate to, even if not exactly 100% identical.
any of the tens (hundreds?) of alternative servers that offer literally exactly the same thing.
Awesome Lemmy Instances shows nearly 500 and its outdated.
Some people pay a lot of attention to what instances people are from. I think I’ve had someone who jumped to negative assumptions about me because of what instance I’m using and I think I might have seen like one person from this instance - I pretty much never see people using the same instance, so its weird imagining someone seeing it enough to have an assumption about the users.
There are some servers that are a bit more tight-knit (hexbear comes to mind).
Socially, I see myself as agender, but it wasn’t until 2.5 years (and 6 months after I started HRT) after my egg cracked that I came out to anyone except my roommates so makes sense why my dreams are the way they are. I’m still only out to a few people, and ideally I’d rather not have people at work find out.
I did have a dream recently where everyone started gendering me as a woman and dream-me liked it even though it acknowledged that people weren’t quite correct, it certainly was a lot better than being assumed a guy.
Transfem NB, egg cracked in my late 20’s.
I think my dreams have almost always excluded showing my own body or gender. I remember having some dreams of being in the “wrong” bathroom and being worried about what others would think back in middle school.
After egg crack, I started sometimes having dreams dealing with people finding out that I’m trans, but if anxiety about coming out isn’t the focus of the dream, then my gender usually isn’t really part of them. I might have like randomly had larger boobs than irl months after starting hrt.
Even when referring to myself in third person to people I’m out to, I still default to old pronouns by accident most of the time. I rather I didn’t do that, but it’s not really a big deal for me. Find it kinda funny my dreams are more consistent about seeing me as trans/not a man than my own conscious language.
Yeah. The repression is quite relatable. Maybe eventually I’ll decide I don’t relate to the agender label or consider myself a NB woman. Used to be a lot more concerned about the answer to label questions, but eventually realized the answer didn’t really matter: I can change presentation, hormones, etc regardless.
But I don’t experience the sort of revulsion at my genitals that I hear some trans people describe (although I do hate being so hairy).
There’s so much variation in experiences. Being trans isn’t defined by suffering even if lots of trans people do suffer.
Personally, realized I was NB in my late-20’s a couple years ago. At first (like, for 2-3 weeks?) I considered myself agender but didn’t identify with the “trans” label. Soon I realized I actually related a lot more to transfem experiences than I expected, so I accepted the trans label. I still like the agender and NB labels, but also consider myself transfem. I don’t think of myself as a woman even though I now take E and have nuked my T levels.
Next year wouldn’t really be as unexpected though, would it? Typically the local el nino/la nina effects overshadow year-over-year levels of climate warming and you have to compare similar el nino to el nino or la nina to la nina to clearly see the effects of climate change (and disinformation sources would intentionally compare el nino years to the following la nina years to show “global cooling” and pretend to panic about it). An increase in year-over-year temperatures despite the multi-year cycle decreasing is pretty alarming.
The acceleration of climate change is expected, but frequently have exceeded expectations of reasonable scientists. I guess at least this is occurring while solar irradiance as been on an upswing and not a downswing, but by the time the next el nino that ends as solar irradiance decreases, we’ll probably have accelerated enough that temps continue to increase anyways.
Only time I have the problem is when people attach large files. While is the same problem with other “IM” methods.
Agreed most others wouldn’t use email as a replacement for casual chat, but its always seemed like an arbitrary choice. So many people waste so much space in emails because they treat them like letters, so the biggest difference seems to be the culture around them rather than the medium itself. If people formatted all text messages as
"Hello Dear Friend,
Here is stuff to waste space.
Here’s what I actually want to say.
More extra stuff.
Sincerely, Walrus"
I doubt we would see that much of a difference between them.
How so? Seems like just a slightly different UI for the same thing to me?
Feel like Matrix or Email would have made more sense as a federated service for communication, but get Signal is a lot more well known.
If the market is saturated with oil, oil prices go negative. Its happened before.
Gotta love doctors trying to help people out like that. My doctor tried to request that I get 3 months supply of oil instead of 1-month-at-a-time for the first time this last appointment, and I suspect it was because politics rather than convenience (unfortunately insurance said no). At least injectables are easy to stockpile if you are willing to use the vial for more than 4 doses
I’d still rather know and just not transition than to deal with not knowing personally. Of course other people’s experiences may very.