There’s also the issue of Vader not knowing that they have that technology, how it’s operated, and where that operator is in the ship.
A small away team could covertly transport aboard and disable the Star Destroyer’s weapons, while the captain keeps Vader’s attention on the bridge.
As for the issue of shields, those have always been less useful in SW than ST, so maybe a few well-placed blasts could disable those beforehand. Or they’re not strong enough to stop the transporter beam, or something else. Trek’s writers could probably come up with a decent enough excuse for it to work.
Well, they’re all humans from Earth, so it makes sense that they’d continue to observe their own traditional celebrations. I’m sure the Klingons also have their own holidays, tied to their own calendar, and I don’t see any problem with that. Same for every other group.
Did they exceed Warp 10? I thought Paris only hit the limit, not crossed. I’d rewatch to check, but… Then I’d have to watch the Warp 10 episode, and I’m not doing that again.