another Lower Decks type show should be optioned
Make a pseudo-sequel to Voyager about the Federation going back to the Delta Quadrant to follow up on first contacts and such.
They send a single Oberth-class ship. Hilarity ensues.
another Lower Decks type show should be optioned
Make a pseudo-sequel to Voyager about the Federation going back to the Delta Quadrant to follow up on first contacts and such.
They send a single Oberth-class ship. Hilarity ensues.
Which episode is it where he is so visibly disgruntled on the bridge?
Tom Paris has sent you a friend request.
“Filthy conservatives. We hates them!”
keeps scrolling
Even the buffer is too good for her.
Riker kicks the Viceroy down to deck infinity
“A scratch?! Your head’s off!”
“No it isn’t.”
That episode where Geordi and Spot got merged in the transporter.
Jason: “Tommy, can you get us closer to these mines?”
Tommy: “Closer?”
realization washes over Tommy’s face
Tommy: “I could try.”
I got eight and a half hours of sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
An often overlooked role. I love the original series (of Mission: Impossible).
“Of all the souls I’ve met in my travels, his was the most- …Human.”
Krennec’s last words were, “Tarkin, oh my god, congratulations.”
They were trained for this bullshit.
TIL that was Patton Oswalt!
Sulu tries to touch it and Kirk slaps his hand away
“Captain’s personal log.”