letting uneducated people
More like overeducated people
letting uneducated people
More like overeducated people
Programming languages come with their own niches, tools, culture, and history. Gradle has lots of verbosity, complexity, and so on. It’s a build system and a dependency manager in one. Other languages separate these duties.
A cultural preference for tools written in specific languages or available for specific platforms exists as well. Lots of C/C++ programmers dislike everything Java. They will cite performance and philosophy. They ask why should they install and manage JVM versions and installs for a task they can do with a make file, a shell script, and Conan/vcpkg.
Not even all Java folks use gradle. maven and ant ant are still around and I’ve seen someone write Java build tasks using rake.
Ur is used in German a lot to signify something being ancient or the origin.
Großvater means grandfather. Urgroßvater means great-grandfather.
Ursuppe - Primordial soup
Urknall - Big Bang
Ursprung - Origin
English uses it as a loan word and prefix.
Using licenses to take a political stance is a valid idea. It’s even worthwhile, if there’s little uptake for it. Signaling opposition even if it’s symbolic only, has some value.
An aggressively scraping AI company could easily ignore it and it would be hard to prove a violation.
Happy sweating :)
Also get some latex gloves. Touching with them is a unique and great sensual experience.
Never let that accumulate for that long. Continuously do small refactors to improve the structure.
Always spend at least 20% of the time on stuff you know is necessary, but will never be prioritized by marketing heads.