Epicurean Revolutionary Libertarian Socialist

I make FOSS things:

wiki-user: db0

  • 24 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Sorry, this is honestly the type of sentence that I can only expect to come from a basement-dwelling teenager.

    Did you really have to write that? What did you aim to accomplish with it?

    Money != Capitalism. Also, I dare you to find one single economist in the world that can claim that a barter-based system can develop a global economy as wealthy and developed as ours.

    Who said anything about barter? Also most economists are just glorified paid apologists of the status-quo at best, of techno-fascism at worst.

    Again, “Money != Capitalism”.

    You cannot have capitalism without money. While you can have socialism with money, I doubt Mutualism (or monarchies) is what you’re thinking of either.

    Besides that, “Capitalism” (to which I think you really mean “profit motive”) is not the problem. I can bet that even your anarchist utopia where people “mutually help each other” would end up relying on some form of monetary-based system to make resource allocation fair and predictable.

    You’d lose.

    Nothing has been found to be a better and fairer driver of social and economic development as free trade. We don’t need to throw away the baby with the bathwater. There is nothing immoral about the profit motive.

    Literally on the brink of climate collapse and with multiple fascist parties on the rise and you still gargle the delusions of “free trade” that never existed. There’s everything immoral with the profit motive. In fact, you incessant drive for profit on the fediverse is what alienates people towards you.

    Corporativism is the problem. Globalism is the problem. This is the thing that we should be fighting against, and not making villains out of someone that just wants to make a living out of a fair business offer.

    Corporations and globalization, monopolies and monopolies re the natural evolution of “free trade” and capitalism. I will never support what you’re trying to achieve and will agitate against it from every angle. Make of this situation what you will.

  • People also need phone service, drinking water and energy to heat their homes, etc. Are we just going to keep expecting that someone should do this work for free to them?

    As an anarchist, that’s what I’m driving for, yes. And they would be giving their effort back for free as well

    No, they won’t. But some of them will pay $30/year (like they are paying me) and I’m sure that I can could serve 10000 users at this price point.

    OK that’s what I’m doing as well, only it’s donations and not payment for a service? Like I’m not sure what you’re trying to argue here if paying customers would subsidize non paying ones.

    If I’m being completely honest with you, anyone that subsidizes the real cost for the users - whether is Big Tech offering free services and making money on ads or a bunch of idealistic kids running servers for people they don’t really know - are effectively making the open web less sustainable.

    No, they make the open web possible. We can’t get out of this situation we’re in by trying to squeeze the last bit of disposable income from people for the social media. We’ll get out of it by proving that we can handle this through mutual aid without any money in the process.

    Talk real numbers

    Nobody can speculate those numbers. We’re in uncharted territory. I’m down to experiment.

    But it is delusional to think that this alone will be ever be able to make a dent in the overall system.

    Whats delusional is thinking that doing the same Ole Capitalism will change they capitalist system it’s delusional to think that keeping money involved would mean anything else than those with the most money will win always.