If I were you, I’d start with a system that just lets you run off solar during the day. Have just enough batteries to stabilize the voltage. Set the charge controller to never drop below 80% charge.
Then add batteries over time, if you want.
If I were you, I’d start with a system that just lets you run off solar during the day. Have just enough batteries to stabilize the voltage. Set the charge controller to never drop below 80% charge.
Then add batteries over time, if you want.
Projects with blockchains work like BITtorrent to find peers. That’s why bitcoin was called BITcoin.
Federation doesn’t require blockchain. Blockchain was created for a very unique solution to storage of digital cash transactions that’s not relevant in almost any other system’s storage.
Sometimes the cloud is your own computer
They’re probably calculation their own labor, which they mark as a negative.
Oof. No Activity Pub is a death sentence
You lost me at a touchscreen
YouTube says you’re a bot.
Time to watch PeerTube.
Motion sensor flood lights. Its all you need.