i’ve been thinking some about “identifying as an attack helicopter”.
basically they are expressing: “look at this beautifull perfect killing machine”. i can get behind that if they used it to kill fascists :3
i’ve been thinking some about “identifying as an attack helicopter”.
basically they are expressing: “look at this beautifull perfect killing machine”. i can get behind that if they used it to kill fascists :3
okidoke, well, idk. i still wouldnt say you are trans, but shrug if the concept fits for you, and your strategies help you feel good, and you enjoy the term, that’s more important than what other people make of it or how other people would call your … uh… idk its not exactly a condition, or maybe it is, not a native english speaker here :3
have a good one
well, it certainly has the appearance of mockery.
i can feel more into this than other similar cases though. 8y which i mean, cases in which i cannot shake off the feeling, the author is just having a laugh at my and other, sincere users 8ehalf’s. sure this is unusual 8ut, i prefer to write all lower case, and cringe at capital letters a little so … yeah… assuming this is sincere, i kinda get it and (again, assuming sincerity from you) i lean towards 8elieving you… 8ut your account is fresh and i dont know you, so who the eff knows? shrug
edit: actually, does emulating your style help you or how do you feel about this?
or maybe you were never allowed to think about any of that ever because your parents were abusive and you just wanted to be left in peace and now it’s difficult to want anything except for life (aka the misery) to end? yeah me neither, no idea how that thought came to be