12 days agoYes! yes | cp -Lrf /etc/letsencrypt/live/…domain…/*.pem /var/snap/adguard-home/current
There’s always money in the banana stand
Yes! yes | cp -Lrf /etc/letsencrypt/live/…domain…/*.pem /var/snap/adguard-home/current
Fullchain.pem works. Privkey doesn’t. I’ve tried chmod 777 (yes, I know, just testing) and still can’t access the file.
My server does it automatically, but I have few services I can’t make to read the certs from server storage, so I have to manually copy cert content. Especially Adguard Home for some reason refuses to read my certs.
I just wish I wouldn’t have to renew certs so often.
It will last year?
I know, but for some reason Adguard can read the fullchain, not privkey. Now it works.