OK, but can you please tell me why its “shit”?
is it that you think its incorrect? I see stuff like this NIH study below specifically about atheletic performance in a transgender population at time of transition and after a period of performance change and it doesnt match whats presented in the links people replied with-- but heres the problem, I trust the NIH study more than I trust the arguments given in such a vehement and angry way in the other links. I have no real skin in this game. I beleive everyone has soveriegnty over their own body and if it doesn’t very explicitely hurt me or another person, I say live your best life.
“post gender affirming hormone therapy, trans women still surpassed cis women for their 1.5 mile run time (765 ± 39.83 s. vs. 855 ± 40.56 s.), but performed significantly slower than cis men (720 ± 40.56 s.) unlike their pre hormone therapy assessment”
So why is this study wrong? thats a 90 second on average run advantage on a 1.5 mile course. In sports thats a lot.
No one said that.
I do think a male athlete has some horomonal, bone structure, limb length and muscle mass advantages over born-female athletes in many sports, and that while time and horomone therapy do decrease that advantage for a trans female, its still there to some degree afterward, which probably makes sports in the female category for trans women unequal. Athleticism means a lot to a lot of people. for some people its a deep part of their identity, just like gender is. Is that peice of these womens identity not worth cherishing? Is it something for you to dictate terms about? I dont think it is.
Its not a simple problem with any sort of simple solution. It seems that with the choices given, Either we make a new athletic category, or some group of people live with an unfairness of one sort or another. And the sooner its figured out, ,the sooner it stops being a political football. Letting it linger just serves the far right. is that what you actually want?
Why has this issue not already been sorted?