So i had done this (with Adguard rather than pihole) and i think i was getting caching issues. Whether or not i was, though, i removed it and it looks like my router is handling it all just fine without the rewrite on the local DNS server.
Some folks mentioned “hairpin NAT” - i was reading the wiki on NAT last night but didnt get to hairpin, but that appears to be what is happening.
The conclusion is - my setup had been doing what i want the whole time without any DNS fiddling. I updated the original post with the speedtests.
Ooo, interesting.
I am going for public access here, so it wont work. But i think this is how some routers are set up. Like i think asusrouter.net is set to, so anyone with the router can go to the same url / domain and itll send them each to their own router. Found that out the other week and thought it very clever.