not really that much of an exception. most queer folk deal with bullying trauma, neuro spicyness, and are much more prone to poverty due to work discrimination and shunning by families and neighbors. All of that tends to snowball, and most of us end up with chronic inflamation and/or anxiety disorders. #thebodykeepsthescore pew trust has some useful stats.
congrats: we have support roles. pestering you elected reps helps more than it seems. continuing to exist does spite the fasci agenda. starting or supporting an interest club or mutual aid group locally with pro diversity moderation just to connect and build community does A LOT.
i can’t hit the street much anymore, but i can help neighbors and friends switch to FOSS, and i’m trying to put together enough garden in my limited space to undermine the grocery monopolies with fruit and seed sharing. there are lots of support activities needing doing :)