Switch to jellyfin, it’s really at the point where it’s ready for everyone
Switch to jellyfin, it’s really at the point where it’s ready for everyone
weewe sowwyyyyy
BP was never sorry and one day will pay for the damage they’ve caused
The company that was made to pay billions for knowingly help grug lords get more money so they could show more death and destruction, yet noone was jailed?
Color me surprised
The entire C suite of HSBC should be jailed indefinitely
Just stop buying from large corporations, only buy from your local neighborhood super, etc, and do it ALWAYS.
If I’m very generous and say that 50% of the population will not buy anything on that day, sales would be down by 50% for a single day, something that will barely register, if at all
If those same people just stop buying from home Depot, stop buying Tesla, stop buying at Walmart, etc. that will be noticed. Probably a law will be enacted requiring people to buy at Walmart for patriotism or something stupid like that, but at least it’ll be noticed
Carbon capture WILL be necessary but is absolutely less than useless until every possible power user has switched to renewable electricity
Carbon capture right now is quite literally actively working to make it worse, so please don’t do carbon capture except for research purposes
Why fight?
Just abandon the US and come to Canada and Europe, we got cookies and freedom and support science
So what you’re saying is that gasp the Cheeto lied?
He would never!
I don’t want to watch this
Not anymore
I’ve carefully watched this for decades
I’ve urged everyone to take action
I’ve carefully separated my garbage
For decades
And nobody cared, nobody cares
Then comes in trump who just waltzes over everything and aims course straight for hell
Let the world burn, I don’t want to one about it anymore, I’m done, I’m burned out, nobody who can make a difference gives a shit.
Unless tomorrow all the rich and powerful in the entire world disappear, nothing will change, so I’m just going to sit here, enjoy the sunset while we still have fresh water and food and I fully expect most or all of humanity to be gone within 50 years
It will be many more.
Trump likely will die within the next few years, he is a fat Cheeto turd with a heart that pumps more McDonald’s grease than blood.
What do you think will happen? It will be a complete shit show with people jumping into the power vacuum, I’m seriously assuming a lot of em will have, shall we say, accidents, or suïcide themselves with three gun shots to the back of their heads.
Either way, whoever is left will take over and I guarantee you, he will not organize elections.
Jeez, really? I thought they all wanted to save the world! How could this have happened? /S
Seriously, you’d think that “saving the human race” might be worth doing the right thing, but nope, it isn’t.
Long live psychopathic world leaders! They better because us plebs will be dead soon
Do you have any experience installing only office?
I’ve tried installing it many times over the past decade with only one successful attempt about a decade ago.
Every few years I try to install it again and fail
I’m trying to install it now but again, nothing. I’ve tried installing it using the official scripts which wreck the operating system. Dame for using the official debs.
So I tried using the docker version and that just doesn’t do anything at all. I try opening the page on the right port and it connects and disconnects immediately.
I’ve used only office and it’s awesome. However, nothing is as hard to install as onlyofffice
Start with TNG. The first season is slightly campy, but some good episodes. Season 2 gets better though skip shades of grey, it’s a clip show that we don’t talk about. Season 3 is when rider grows his beard and things get awesome.
Then when you’re done with that you can do DS9. Its slightly darker, basically bring uplifting in times of war and has amazing episodes.
Then there is voyager. Its more uplifting again but the writing really isn’t in oar with the previous two
Then there is “enterprise” which is darker again, not a very great first seasons though it gets better
Then you could do TOS but the visuals haven’t really held, of course, as it’s the 60-70’s
Don’t watch the post 2000 star trek, though, it’s awful. Discovery is full of spiteful characters, cringe writing, all flashy nonsense bling bling CGI and a lot of plain hate. Star trek Picard was so horrible that it ruined TNG for me. I watched TNG and DS9 episodes multiple times per month, all my life. I watched Picard about a year ago, and I haven’t watched star Trek ever since, it is THAT bad.
All the post 2000 shows have been made by people who dislike trek and only we’re there to use it as a political platform (literally their words). If you want to watch modern star trek, watch “the Orville”, it’s made by Seth McFarlane who also plays a character in Star Trek enterprise. the guy is a huge star trek fan and wanted to make a star trek show. When he couldn’t, he made the Orville and it’s all that TNG is, but modern
I’m sorry, are you comparing the work of NASA back in the 60’s to work done now?
NASA never cheered when rockets blew up. NASA never said “the goal is get off the launch pad, anything else is an extra”. NASA never launched a rocket without a flame diverter, causing them to utterly obliterate a launch pad. NASA didn’t just blow up rockets all the frigging time just to test them. NASA did everything with rulers or at best computers that had the power of a basic calculator. NASA didn’t have the advancements in computers, new materials,new technologies.
NASA also didnt have to deal with a man baby con man
I’m sorry, but this is a very bad comparison
I heard everyone rave about season one, but then again, so did they for discovery and Picard, that’s why I haven’t watched it.
Season two apparently is already going off a cliff, I hear loads of bad comments about it, so I think it’s safe to assume that the rest of BNW will also be horrible
Sustainable aviation fuel won’t fix climate change, though. As long as the fuel is carbon based, CO2 will come out which fuels climate change
Electrical Aircraft are a BAD idea, no matter what muSSk says
We need to get electricity from renewable sources to use for industry, homes, and CO2 filters world wide, and likely let aircraft fly with carbon fuels, I don’t see a viable alternative for that.
And on the carbon sequestration (CO2 filtering), please stop doing that now, it’s not the right moment and quite literally only makes the problem worse. First get everything transitioned. Once that’s done, then you can start sequestering and actually make a difference.
What would be a good open source option with these features?
That’s the point, their a christofascist group that wants to create the apocalypse to get Jesus to return