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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024

  • You should!

    While supporting friends that came out, I found out that I am a straight hetero dude who is not intereested in being feminine, but I also have no aversion to stereotypically feminine things. I am also not sexually attracted to men, but am also confortable saying some guy is attractive and feel flattered when a guy gives a compliment or assumes I am gay because of being comfortable in non-hetero settings.

    I know these things because of either experience or having the opportunity and turning it down because it wasn’t for me.

    That said, I still have a ton of preferences that reduce the number of women down to a small percentage of the population that include a combination of looks and personality. Having preferences is such a wide possibility of things that seeing sexualities based on what sounds like preferences seems oddly limiting to me. I do get that people who feel that they don’t fit in will find a benefit from a supportive comminity of similar people that help them know that they should be comfortable being themselves and they do not need to conform to other people’s expectations.

    I hope you find the support you are looking for and that you discover more about yourself. You are not alone and everything in your post is perfectly normal.

  • First, finding a group can be a way to discover more about yourself and I don’t want to discourage you from doing so.

    That said, I don’t know because I can’t keep up the groups and also think that people tend to look to groups to ‘fill in the blanks’ about themselves instead of using the group to help feel more comfortable about themselves. Seeking out a category to belong to sounds a bit like trying to find a group that will tell you who you are instead of looking for a place where you can be more comfortable being yourself.

    You can always try a larger group/community that sounds close enough and is accepting, because it is possible that there is no group that is exactly what you are looking for or if it does it can be really hard to find. Non-binary seems like it could be a great starting point because not conforming to gender stereotypes covers a lot of different possibilities. Non-binary people doesn’t mean they don’t dress and act like binary people, just that they don’t accept that everyone must be binary.