• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Thanks for the overview. I’ll work with tutor and see how frustrated I get :D

    Regarding language servers:

    Recently, I got into this philosophy of “every project needs a declarative environment”. It means that there is a committed file that should contain all tooling need to work with the project. Compilers, formatters, test runners and also: language servers.

    This fights with vscode extensions which try to be clever and download their language server / bundle it into the extension itself. “No, rust-analyzer, I don’t want your build because it does not work with xtensa target arch I’m using in this project”.

    So actually, this ties nicely with helix not providing the language servers itself, but allowing you to bring your own.

  • You’ve just reminded me to fix cert renewal on my instance. I’m using let’s encrypt & their certbot with nginx and it is great.

    Recently my nginx config got too complex, so nginx plugin stopped working correctly, because it wasn’t able to inject the config for ACME challenge correctly anymore. The solution was to manually configure location /.well-known/acme-challange to read from a local directory and configure certbot to use a local webroot directory instead of fiddling with nginx config.