Absolutely, though I had sort of forgot how the Neelix prosthetics can be low-grade Nightmare Fuel without Ethan Phillips bringing him to life.
Jeez, I wish I’d thought of that.
I really enjoyed Prodigy, but good lord the Dauntless is fugly.
Say what you will about the tenets of the Obsidian Order, but at least it’s an ethos.
I know we only have the one episode, but honestly Jeffrey Hunter could have really grown into that role nicely if he hadn’t turned down the second pilot. Shame he didn’t live long enough to revisit Trek I some way. Interesting What-If there.
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Unwanted centralization is a fair enough complaint, but honestly us normies are mostly just… normaling.
Enterprise, especially early on, was very… gooey.
Voyager on iOS has worked well enough I haven’t gone hunting for anything else. On desktop I like the Alexandrite front end.
Your average woodworking router is already running at something like 20k RPM for ~6mm and larger bits. High speed should do fine on wood, at whatever feed rate doesn’t burn it. Maybe just use light passes to save your endmills.
That said, I am most assuredly NOT a CNC machinist, just a nerd with woodworking tools and a couple of low end maker devices that run gcode.
We also would have accepted “underqualified nepobaby with anger issues,” but perhaps that’s redundant.
the guy playing Quasi
Sam Richardson is a treasure who is not always in excellent projects, but he elevates every project he’s in with his excellence. He’s perfect in Veep, and his guest appearances in Ted Lasso are brilliant.
The video of a trash can in Orlando that my kid took when she was three is a better movie than Rebel Moon.
Section 31 was better than either, though it was an underwhelming mess of throwaway nonsense.
I want to be more gracious about it, choosing to believe that he is flaky AF and just says whatever is on his mind in the moment, but the motherfucker will absolutely claim that this week’s notion is the eternal truth. Even with Star Wars, it’s 1 movie, 3 movies, 6 movies, nine movies, 12 movies. Pretty sure I’ve seen every single one of those numbers in print. Well okay, maybe not the “1 movie”, though ANH tells a sufficiently self-contained story that you don’t have to fret too much about Vader escaping if the thing tanked. Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was written explicitly to be filmable as a low-budget sequel if the first movie made a small profit, so a franchise was kind of always on the table.
Then, there are his absolutely garbage takes like his “white slavery” crack or pretending that ANH doesn’t have essential world-building, narrative scene-setting, and introduction of thematic concepts by pushing for a I to VI viewing order. The man always pig-headedly viewed Star Wars as his personal hot rod project car, to be rolled out from time to time for a race or car show, but always brought back home for re-work based on what he had learned about or could now afford. It hasn’t gone as well as I’d hoped, but I still think it was critical he take the big step back that he did.
The man was waiting for digital in 1976, and probably also planning out how he was going to troll fans by having a new version of “what the actual story is meant to be” in every single fucking interview for the next twenty years.
The disrespect to datum…
Still no contact from Skywalker or Solo… 😞