Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports
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The function is_sorted_by on Iterators turned out helpful for compactly finding if a report is safe. In part 2 I simply tried the same with each element removed, since all reports are very short.
fn parse(input: String) -> Vec<Vec<i32>> { input.lines() .map(|l| l.split_whitespace().map(|w| w.parse().unwrap()).collect()) .collect() } fn is_safe(report: impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item=i32> + Clone) -> bool { let safety = |a: &i32, b: &i32| (1..=3).contains(&(b - a)); report.clone().is_sorted_by(safety) || report.rev().is_sorted_by(safety) } fn part1(input: String) { let reports = parse(input); let safe = reports.iter().filter(|r| is_safe(r.iter().copied())).count(); println!("{safe}"); } fn is_safe2(report: &[i32]) -> bool { (|i| { // Try with each element removed is_safe(report.iter().enumerate().filter(|(j, _)| *j != i).map(|(_, n)| *n)) }) } fn part2(input: String) { let reports = parse(input); let safe = reports.iter().filter(|r| is_safe2(r)).count(); println!("{safe}"); } util::aoc_main!();
is a really nice approach. I originally tried using that function thinking that|a, b| a > b
or|a, b| a < b
would cut it but it didn’t end up working. I never thought to handle the check for the step being between 1 and 3 in the callback closure for that though.