The General strike organization is dedicated to creating real change by striking against The System. This country still does not work on behalf of its people. By striking we deny the corporations their greatest power - IT’s labour.

    15 days ago

    I want to take part in this, but I have bills to pay. How is a working class person supposed to do this?

    I worry that many people are in a similar situation to mine, and while we support the idea, we likely couldn’t afford to commit to it when the time comes. This is an intentional trapping of fascism; keep us poor, keep us compliant. But it works. I can’t afford to go homeless for a cause that, if successful, may buy us a few months of sanity, at best, before Trump makes another push toward fascism. For a lot of people, participating in this is a gamble, which would have long-term consequences with no guarantee of even short-term results.

    Not trying to be dissuasive. It just all feels hopeless.

      15 days ago

      Spread the word to everyone you know, likely some of them will not have heard and also have the support structure to join in without risking life under a bridge.

      They want you feeling hopeless. Think laterally and help in anyway you can.

      14 days ago

      just be supportive (irl or online) of the people in your life that need the most help. keep a tight circle. as your capabilities permit, slowly grow that circle outwards to include more activities or messages. resistance movements are not made overnight.

      the solution is not going to come in the form of a singular day of resistance, no matter what people tell you. even a worldwide general strike executed flawlessly will not upend the historical and cultural foundations that got us where we are today. we need a MOVEMENT. movements are made of people, like you and me.

      just by showing support, and talking candidly with others helps remind each other other that we have POWER when we all align our efforts.