It’s all fun and games until venture capital kicks in, and exploits that central user data store to further centralise the rest of the network. Even then yes, I think that Mastodon has a lot to learn with Bluesky, on how to make user experience smoother.
Or I think you know, users are going to have to get over themselves because they are currently going from centralized platform to centralized platform to supposedly decentralized platform. Eventually, maybe one day they will figure out that platforms do not work and protocols are what people should be using.
Bluesky: You are immediately and automatically welcomed into the warm embrace of an algorithm that entices you into a parasocial relationship with the synthetic community it has created.
Mastodon: If you’re lucky you’ll stumble across a warm welcome for new users explaining how posts are called toots here, likes are called florps, and our version of Grok is called Garfiald.
But that’s not true for Bluesky. The only feed that you see when newly registering is the Following feed which is chronological.
That’s not how it was as of yesterday when I signed up just to see what all the fuss was about. (I don’t think I’ll be participating.)
Wow, you signed up yesterday and determined, “an algorithm that entices you into a parasocial relationship with the synthetic community” all on your own?
It’s not any of that…
But If what it truly is, isn’t for you, that’s fine too.
And then there’s Lemmy, where you can always count on some helpful stranger who’s completely missed the point chiming in to tell you why you’re wrong.
No you are wrong about that.