Hi, I’ve set up a prosody server. It works, video calls (with Turn) work, file transfers works. So far so good.
I’d like to install slidge with the whatsapp bridge, but the official slidge documentation is… not great in my opinion.
I’ve added the priviledge module declaration and the whatsapp bridge information. For what I understand I also need to define a pubsub service, but I can’t understand where and with what information.
Can somebody point me in the right direction please?
Oof I’m late to see this… did you get it working? Best join the groupchat: xmpp:slidge@conference.nicoco.fr?join
Man I really appreciate commenting on this after all this time!
I didn’t get it to work, but also had to park it for now. I’ll join the chat for sure when I pick it up again.
Thanks! 🙂