Yeah, but we don’t post publicly about that…
Yeah, but we don’t post publicly about that…
Thanks, I’m glad people are finding it helpful!
That’s a really good idea, unfortunately I’m not in a position to handle the logistics of something like that myself, but I’d 100% be up for donating funds and even posting medication to the US if something like that was happening.
I’d actually considered going to one myself to see what they were all about, but the nearest UU to me is quite a way away and I’m not able to travel, so it never materialised. I don’t believe in god and don’t have a relationship to repair, but don’t have issue with individuals who do (my issue lies with organised religion, not personal belief), and I think groups that bring communities together (and without the pressure of having the same religious beliefs) like that are vital in building solidarity.
Having and maintaining a platform to safely communicate on is important, but we can’t forget that lemmy isn’t secure, so consider supporting (or promoting amongst your peers) platforms that are, too.
As for marching, if that is really where you think you could help most, train! build strength, learn how to use cold and hot weapons, learn basic first aid, learn how to disarm smoke bombs and other weapons the cops may use against you, and remember - being a marcher still doesn’t mean being at the front line, you can be at the back helping those who are injured, who have gone in to shock, or who need their energy replenished. There is plenty to do, and we need everyone!
Just to be clear, I didn’t miss anything because I didn’t make it, fablefulart did. 😊
Otherwise, I agree, those are really good points, thanks for adding them!
Well done, that’s exactly what those actually responsible and who are causing all the damage, and making all the money, want you to think. It’s worse than useless, it’s actively counterproductive, and serves to keep people busy with superficial nonsense that will never make a dent, while they continue to pillage all the resources.
At best, the person who wrote this demonstrates a vast misunderstanding of the scale of the problem, and either way, their piece serves those in power, not the cause against them.
Fair enough.
Good guy bus driver
Thanks for the added info, it sucks to know but isn’t surprising, but nowhere do I (or anyone else I can see E: aside from the single mention in the AP post that OP is commenting on, obviously) give props or even mention greyhound.
Yes. Love it.
Critics argue that the agency’s work with a lobbying group is a conflict of interest.
Then these critics don’t understand the relationship between state and capitalism, because it is in fact serves both parties interests quite well, by design.
The state doesn’t exist for the benefit of society.
Stay as safe as you possibly can comrades, arm yourselves if you can, look out for those who can’t, and organise (E: create safe spaces to meet council and support each other, especially those who also face racism and or the risk of deportation, safe houses where people can live if they can’t stay where they are, pantries and kitchens to feed people who are struggling, get basic medical training so you can try to help if someone is hurt and the hospitals aren’t safe, provide care and support to those most vulnerable like the very young, old, and or disabled, train on the weapons you are able to get a hold of and learn self defence and attack tactics, learn how to make your own weapons, disrupt and resist wherever you can, and so on…)
the other 90% don’t care, or they have eaten enough propaganda to have a negative opinion but actually don’t care either
In other words they’ll just look the other way as you get dragged off…
Real fucking consolation that. /S
Please crosspost to any community you think might find this relevant
A. air travel isn’t “psychotic”, fuck off with that ableism and
B. he wouldn’t be doing it once, he would be doing it 0.00000000000000001% of a time
So again:
spare me the “every little help” platitude, at the scales we’re discussing here, this person’s itinerary makes zero difference, and only serves to alleviate his personal guilt.
And apparently, some of yours, too!
So I’m glad he was compensated, but I struggle to take his stance seriously when he works for a neoliberal think tank and genuinely believes his personal travel arrangements make any difference whatsoever when someone like him should definitely be aware that billionaires emit more carbon pollution in 90 minutes than the average person does in a lifetime (spare me the “every little help” platitude, at the scales we’re discussing here, this person’s itinerary makes zero difference, and only serves to alleviate his personal guilt. The only difference we can make as individuals is to unite and tear down the systems that are actually destroying the planet, and the people responsible).
Good quote.
And in a similar fashion to what is happening here, when survivors managed to escape first Nuremberg laws Germany, then ghettos and eventually death camps across Europe and report to the outside world what was being done to them, they were categorically ignored, and dismissed as fantasists and fear mongers (those damn Jews, trying to guilt us in to letting them in to our country!) for a good few years, while the extermination only intensified.
People who will believe a fascist government, but not its victims, are telling on themselves, and are actively participating in our oppression.
For starters, you made a blanket statement about the post in its entirety claiming it, and the experience of the person who made it, isn’t true, you can backpedal now, but that’s what you did.
so it’s going to be extremely location-dependent, other than passports.
In other words
Your, or even any, office not receiving official orders doesn’t make this not true.
You not being comfortable confronting reality doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Just going to leave this here for the denial club:
Don’t make confidently incorrect assertions before confirming you’re not the one who missed something…