1 Illustration of a person standing with their arms crossed, around them are the following items: a beanie, a sweatshirt, an open rucksack, a folded bandana, some power snacks, and a bottle of water with an ACAB sticker on it. Above it is text:
Wear clothes you feel comfortable moving in, running shoes, and layers for the weather. Bring water, an energy bar, and a bandana in case of surveillance.
2 Illustration of 3 people walking in a row , two have their arms linked, a third is carrying a “FTP” sign. Above it is text:
We roll together in “affinity groups.” Before the march, share your contact info, legal and medical issues, and what to do in case of arrest. Have each other’s back in the streets. Leave together.
3 An illustration of a birds eye view of a protest march. Above it is text:
The streets are our voice. Pigs will work to split us apart, force us onto the sidewalk, kettle us, and snatch people. Stay tight so they can’t grab stragglers, regroup if we get divided, and take as many lanes as possible.
4 An illustration of a protest going down a city street, instead of continuing forward towards a police blockade, they are turning down a side street. Above it is text:
Pigs use intersections to split the march and push us onto the sidewalk. Move fast to get ahead of their lines, flow around or push through them to stay in the street.
5 Illustration of two cops arresting a protestor. A person off screen shouts "WHAT’S YOUR NAME?? ", the person being arrested replies “MY NAME IS …” the person off screen replies “YOUR DATE OF BIRTH”. Above it is text:
If someone is arrested, don’t linger too long or pigs will kettle the march. Free the comrade, or else get their name and birthdate for jail support and keep it moving.
6 An illustration of a line of cops and a squad car, in front of them are a turned over bin and newspaper dispenser blocking the road. Above it is text:
Drag objects into the street behind the march, to break up vehicles or lines of cops following us. These light blockades will also slow traffic and help shut it down.
7 An illustration of a birds eye view of a road with cars and people walking between them, there are police cars on the side road trying to get through. Above it is text:
We march with traffic in order to keep the march together, and against traffic when we need to lose vehicles or lines of cops that are tailing us.
8 Several illustrations of activities and objects: there is a person jumping a turnstile, a person throwing a smoke bomb, two people carrying a large garbage bin, and a person bent over revealing their butt. There is also a can of spray paint, an umbrella, a doughnut, a large bike lock, and a laser pointer. In the corner is the approving Drake meme. Above them is text:
Everyone is free to support the cause as they see fit. We don’t police each other’s actions, or snitch on each other to pigs or the media. At the same time, we take care not to endanger others with our actions.
9 An illustration of a row of people standing in front of a house, joining hands. In the tree that is in the front yard there are signs: “no cop zone”, “FTP”, and “no eviction!”. Above it is text:
SUPPORT THOSE DIRECTLY AFFECTED: We support the leadership of people who are directly affected by the issue at hand. Those of us with different privileges shoulder risks and burdens when others can’t. Talk to people you are struggling with. The stronger our relationships, the stronger the movement and less cooptable it is.
Credit: @frontlinemedics
Great stuff, but why is being Drake considered a diverse tactic? I woulda scrubbed him before I uploaded ha.
It’s not my work to edit. I also assume it’s an older choice that didn’t age well, rather than a current one.
It’s not my work to edit
It’s the internet and we’re leftists and this is like saying copyright law is a good thing and totally misunderstands how ideas grow and propagate. It’s like telling someone they can’t alter a meme.
It’s absolutely within your prerogative to edit it.
-Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle
It’s the internet and we’re leftists and this is like saying copyright law is a good thing and totally misunderstands how ideas grow and propagate. It’s like telling someone they can’t alter a meme.
Jfc, I’m not misunderstanding anything. I’m not telling anyone to do or not do anything, I don’t feel like I can’t or I shouldn’t do anything, I never claimed or even mention copyright, I simply made a choice not to bother altering an existing work somebody else made because I didn’t see a good enough reason to, and because it literally makes no fucking difference to the content.
Yes, fuck Drake, but to derail the entire conversation over an outline of his image appearing on a single slide, and try to “educate” me on copyright as if that’s got anything to do with anything going on here seems significantly less productive than just ignoring it and moving on with your life, or, you know, focusing on the actual content.
… we’re leftists …
Depends on the definition of “leftist”.
The Jordan logo, at a minimum
Wait why do we need an FTP server?
You’d think they’d go with something secure and at least use SFTP/FTPS or SCP.
The revolution will be
televisedTLS encrypted.
If you’re going to protest, you’ll need this:
For example: stay off bridges.
Mia Wong had a great reminder a couple days ago on the It Could Happen Here podcast.
I read bandana as banana like 5 times and was so confused why a banana was needed for surveillance